Career Care

Recruitment Methodology & Sources

Recruitment Methodology

Understand Clients Needs: We deeply understand our clients’ requirements and organizational culture.

Map Specific Recruitments: We create a targeted plan for each position to be filled.

Source Candidates: We utilize various channels to source potential candidates.

Candidate Mapping: We assess candidates’ qualifications and cultural fit.

Shortlisting: We create a shortlist of the most suitable candidates.

Final Evaluation: We conduct in-depth evaluations, interviews, and reference checks.

Our recruitment methodology ensures a focused and thorough approach to finding the best candidates for our clients’ needs.


Recruitment Source

Central Database: Our extensive internal database of qualified candidates.

LinkedIn: Utilizing the professional networking platform to connect with professionals.

Job Portals: Accessing popular job portals to attract active job seekers.

References: Leveraging referrals from trusted sources within our network.

Head Hunting: Proactively approaching professionals with specific skills and experience.

Walk-Ins & Campus Drives: Engaging with job seekers at job fairs and campus events.

By utilizing these recruitment sources, we ensure a diverse candidate pool for successful placements.

Key Clients